Defectivity in English: more observations

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

In an earlier post I listed some defective verbs in my idiolect. After talking with our PhD student Aidan Malanoski, I have a couple additional generalizations to note.

  1. Aidan is fine with infinitival BEWARE (e.g., Caesar was told to beware the Ides of March). I am not sure about this myself. 
  2. Aidan points out that SCRAM, SHOO, and GO AWAY (we might call them, along with BEWARE, “imperative-dominant verbs”) have a similarly restricted distribution. Roughly, our judgments are:
  • imperatives ok: ScramShooGo away! 
  • infinitives ok: Roaches started to scram when I turned the lights on. She shouted for the pigeons to shoo. The waiters couldn’t wait for them to go away
  • Gerunds marginal: Scramming would be a good idea right about now. Just going away might be the best thing.
  • Other -ing participles degraded: (past continuous) Roaches started scramming when I turned the lights on. (small clause) I saw the police scramming
  • Simple pasts degraded: Roaches scrammed when I turned the lights on. (compositional reading only) He went away.

They point out that same -ing surface forms may differ in acceptability. I also note that for me shooed [s.o.] away is fine as a transitive.

Defectivity in Scottish Gaelic

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies. Hat tip to John Hutchinson for this valuable information.]

I am currently wrapping up a class at the LSA Institute class on defectivity, and as part of this class students presented case studies. Some of them students enriched case studies I have already presented in this defectivity blog series; the following new-to-me case was provided to us by John Hutchinson of the University of Surrey.

Defective verbs in Gaelic have been long noted, particularly by Dwelly (1911) and Maclaren (1935). They are something of a grab-bag. First, there are verbs with tense restrictions:

  • The verb of quotation ars/orsa ‘said’ is restricted to past tense only.
  • Where English has the adverb almost, Gaelic has theab, which selects a verb-noun complement (e.g., theab e fhéin a bhith marbh ‘he was almost dead’) and which is also restricted to past tense.
  • The verb faod ‘may’ is non-past only.
  • The verb feum ‘must’ is non-past only, though Hutchinson notes that past forms do occur in corpora.

There are also a number of verbs which occur only in the imperative (cf. my judgments about English beware):

  • trothad/trobhad ‘come here’
  • t(h)iugainn ‘come along’
  • thalla ‘go away’
  • siuthad ‘go on, fire away’
  • feuch ‘behold’ (though note this is not defective in the sense of ‘show’)

Finally, Hutchinson notes that prepositions are inflected for person and number but eadar ‘between’ (naturally enough) only has plural forms. These cases of defectivity make a lot of semantic sense to me, particularly the restriction on the modal-like verbs and on ‘between’.


Dwelly, E. 1911. Illustrated Gaelic English Dictionary. Alex Maclaren & Sons.
Maclaren, J. 1935. Maclaren’s Gaelic Self-Taught, 4th edition. Alex Maclaren & Sons.

Defectivity in French

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Morin (1987:33f.), cited in Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr (2010), draws attention to the French verb frire ‘to fry’. It is unobjectionable in the present active singular—je fris, tu fris, il frit—but apparently defective in the plural; according to my informants, speakers paraphrase this using inflected forms of faire frire ‘to make fried’. Arrivé (1987), also cited by Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr, lists frire and about a dozen other verbs as defective; according to my informants, all are rare, archaic, or unfamiliar.

Consider the case of frire briefly. It has an obvious analogical model: rire ‘to laugh’, which suggests *nous frions ‘we fry’, and so on. One obvious possibility is that this is somehow in competition with *nous frissons (cf. je finis/nous finissons ‘I/we finish’ and most 2nd conjugation verbs), which would give rise to a weird homophony with the plural of frisson ‘shiver; excitement’.1


  1. Here the ss appearing in the plural is ultimately descended from the Latin inchoative infix -sc- as seen in, e.g., nascō ‘I am born’. Neat, right?


Arrivé, M. 1997. La conjugaison pour tous. Hatier.
Boyé, G., and Cabredo Hofherr, P. 2010. Defectivity as stem suppletion in French and Spanish verbs. In Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, ed. M. Baerman, G. G. Corbett, and D. Brown, 35–52. Oxford University Press.
Morin, Y.-C. 1987. Remarques sur l’organisation de la flexion des verbes français. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 77-78: 13-91.

Defectivity in Amharic

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

According to Sande (2015), only Amharic verb stems that contain a geminate can form a frequentative. Since not all imperfect aspect verbs have geminates, some lack frequentatives and speakers must resort to periphrasis. If I understand the data correctly, it appears that the frequentative is a /Ca-/ reduplicant template which docks to the immediate left of the first geminate; the C (consonant) slot takes its value from said geminate. For instance, for the perfect verb [ˈsäb.bärä] ‘he broke’, the frequentative is [sä.ˈbab.bärä] ‘he broke repeatedly’. But there is no corresponding frequentative for the imperfective verb [ˈjə.säb(ə)r] ‘he breaks’ since there is no geminate to dock the reduplicant against; Sande marks as ungrammatical *[jə.sä.ˈbab(ə)r] and presumably other options are out too.

(h/t: Heather Newell)


Sande, H. 2015. Amharic infixing reduplication: support for a stratal approach to morphophonology. Talk presented at NELS 46.

Defectivity in Turkish; part 2: desideratives

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Thanks to correspondence with one of the authors I recently became aware of another possible paradigm gap in Turkish. According to İleri & Demirok (2022), henceforth ID, Turkish speakers are uncertain about the form of 3rd person plural desideratives. In this language, desideratives are deverbal nominals which select for and agree with a genitive subject. The desiderative suffix is /-AsI-/, where the capital letters mark archiphonemes subject to root harmony, and the 3rd person plural (3pl;.) possessive agreement suffix is /-lArI/. However, according to ID’s survey, Turkish speakers rate 3pl. desideratives formed from the root plus /-AsI-lArI/ as quite poor, and 3pl. desideratives are exceeding rare in corpora, even compared to other desiderative forms.

ID relate this observation to something unexpected about the 3rd person singular (3sg.) desiderative. Desideratives select, and agree with, a genitive subject, and the ordinary 3sg. genitive agreement suffix is /-sI/, but the 3sg. desiderative, there is apparently a haplology and we get just /-AsI/ (e.g., yapası, the 3sg. desiderative of ‘do’) instead of the expected */-AsI-sI/. They suggest that speakers may have reanalyzed /-AsI/ as a desiderative allomorph /-A/ followed by a 3sg. agreement suffix /-sI/, and thus predict that the 3pl. desiderative will be expressed by /-A-lArI/, though this is also judged to be quite bad (thus *yapasıları but also *yapaları). However, it is not immediately clear to me why ID expect speakers to hypothesize that the 3sg. desiderative allomorph should generalize to the 3pl.

This has a rather different flavor than the other defectivity case studies I’ve presented thus far. It could be that there simply are not enough desideratives in this person/number slot in the input, but I still don’t see what could be objectionable about /-AsI-lArI/. Another mystery is that their judgment task finds an unexplained very low acceptability for 2nd person plural desideratives (which seem to be of the form /-AsI-n/).


İleri, M. & Demirok, Ö. 2022. A paradigm gap in Turkish. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 7, pages 1-15.

The end of defectivity

As of yesterday I have completed my series of defectivity case studies, at least for the time being. From these I propose the following tentative taxonomy:

It is not clear to me whether three categories are really needed. In both of the latter two, here seems to be some tight phonotactic constraint on inflectional variants which results in ungrammaticality and defectivity if not satisfied. In the two cases from Africa, these constraints are of a metrical nature and impact many lexemes; in the cases from Scandinavia, they concern stem-final consonant clusters and possible mutations to them. And this looks a lot like the case of Russian verbs. This just leaves Tagalog, which I think has simply been misanalyzed, and Turkish, where the only defective lexemes are a handful of subminimal borrowings.

I am aware of two other cases of interest: (various stages of) Sanskrit (Stump 2010) and Latvian. These are phenomenologically quite different from the ones I’ve discussed so far: both involve gaps in the paradigms of inflected pronouns. I do not find gaps in the distribution of functional elements to be nearly as shocking as the failure of, say, an otherwise unobjectionable Russian or Spanish verb to have a 1sg. form. I should mention that the constraint against contracting n’t to am in standard English (see Yang 2017:§3 and references therein) is also possibly an example of this form; I suppose it depends on whether or not n’t is really an inflectional affix or not.


Stump, G. 2010. Interactions between defectiveness and syncretism. In M. Baerman, G. G. Corbett, and D. Brown (ed.), Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, pages 181-210. Oxford University Press.
Yang, C. 2017. How to wake up irregular (and speechless). In C. Bowern, L. Horn, and R. Zanuttini (ed.), On Looking into Words (and Beyond), pages 211-233. Language Science Press.

Defectivity in Hungarian

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Hungarian verbs exhibit one of better-documented cases of defectivity, discussed first in English by Hetzron (1975). In particular, the study by Rebrus & Törkenczy (2009), henceforth RT, is a wealth of information, though this information is presented in so many different forms that it has taken me some effort to extract the basic generalizations. Furthermore, they seem to have deliberately avoided putting forth an actual analysis. Rather than trying to explain the data RT’s way I’ve tried to put matters into my own words. Note that below I often give multiple allomorphs for a suffix or epenthetic segment; these are conditioned by Hungarian’s well-known process of vowel harmony (see, e.g., Siptár & Törkenczy 2000 for description).

Hungarian has a class of verbs, mostly intransitive, which form a 3sg. indefinite present indicative in -ik rather than the ordinary null ending. Of these, some such verb stems end in surface consonant clusters. When consonant-initial suffixes (e.g., the imperative -j, the imperative subjunctive -d, the potential -hat/-het) are added to verb stems of this form, a fleeting vowel (o, ӧ, or e) normal breaks up the stem cluster (e.g., ugrik ‘s/he jumps’,  ugorhat ‘s/he may jump’). It is not clear to me whether this fleeting vowel is underlying or epenthetic, though it seems to be standard in Hungarian philology to assume the latter. However, for certain verbs, this does not occur and the verb is simply defective (e.g., csuklik ‘s/he hiccups’ but *csuklhat, *csukolhat). According to Hetzron  (ibid., 864f.)  all the defective verbs have stems of the form /…Cl/ or /…Cz/, though it is not the case that all verbs of this form are defective (e.g., vérzik ‘s/he bleeds’, vérezhe‘s/he may bleed’; hajlik ‘s/he bends’, hajolhat ‘s/he may bend’). A study by Lukács, Rebrus, and Törkenczy (2010), conducted detailed grammaticality judgment tasks and appears to largely have confirmed the description given by Hetzron and RT.

What is the source of these patterns?  It may be that whatever causes the fleeting vowel to be epenthesized is less than fully productive; but then it is also necessary to also appeal to absolute phonotactic illformedness to derive the defectivity. It is not obvious that this will work either, because at least some of these clusters ought to simplify according to RT.


Hetzron, R. 1975. Where the grammar fails. Language 51: 859-872.
Lukács, Á., Rebrus, P., and Törkenczy, M. 2010. Defective verbal paradigms in Hungarian: description and experimental study. In M. Baerman, G. C. Corbett, and D. Brown (ed.), Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, pages 85-102. Oxford University Press.
Rebrus, P., and Törkenczy, M. 2009. Covert and overt defectiveness in paradigms. In C. Rice and S. Blaho (ed)., When Nothing Wins: Modeling Ungrammaticality in OT, pages 195-234. Equinox.
Siptár, P., and Törkenczy, M. 2000. The Phonology of Hungarian. Oxford University Press.

Defectivity in Spanish

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Harris (1969:114) observes that the Spanish verbs agredir ‘to attack’ and aguerrir ‘to harden’ are defective in certain inflectional forms. Gorman & Yang (2019:180), consulting various Spanish dictionaries, expand this list to include abolir ‘to abolish’, arrecir(se) ‘to freeze’, aterir(se) ‘to freeze’, colorir ‘to color/dye’, descolorir ‘to discolor/bleach’, despavorir ‘to fear’, empedernir ‘to harden’, preterir ‘to ignore’, and tra(n)sgredir ‘to transgress’.

All of the defective Spanish verbs appeear to belong to the 3rd (-ir) conjugation, which is the smallest of the three and characterized by extensive irregularity. including raising and/or diphthongization of mid eo to i, and to ieue, respectively. For instance, the verb dormir ‘to sleep’ (along with the minimally different morir ‘to die’) undergoes diphthongization to ue when stress falls on the stem (e.g., duermo ‘I sleep’) and raising in various desinence-stressed forms (e.g., durmamos ‘we would sleep’). According to  Maiden & O’Neill (2010), it is exactly these forms which would show stem vowel changes which are defective (e.g., in the paradigm of abolir), though this claim ought to be verified with native speakers.

Harris has long argued that these stem changes are limited to stems bearing abstract phonemes. In his 1969 book, stems which undergo diphthongization bear an abstract feature +D; in his 1985 paper, a similar distinction between diphthongizing and non-alternating stem mid vowels is marked using moraic prespecification. The apparent raising of stem mid vowels is analyzed as a dissimilatory lowering of an underlying [+high] vowel, but since there are some stems which do not lower (e.g., vivir/vivo ‘to live/I live’), similar magic (i.e., abstract specifications) is likely called for. In contrast, I understand Bybee & Pardo (1981) and Albright et al. (2001) as arguing that these stem changes are locally predictable, conditioned by nearby segments.1 Albright (2003) suggests that competition between these locally predictable conditioning factors is responsible for defectivity.

Gorman & Yang (2019) argue that, on the basis of a Tolerance Principle analysis, that there are no productive generalizations for 3rd conjugation mid vowel stem verbs in Spanish, if diphthongization and raising are viewed as competitors to a “no change” analysis.2 In support of this, they note that children acquiring Spanish as their first language only very rarely produce incorrect stem changes in the 3rd conjugation. This suggests that during production, they may be “picking and choosing” verbs for which they have already acquired the relevant inflectional patterns.


  1. Of course their arguments are largely limited to adult nonce word studies. I consider this inherently dubious for reasons discussed by Schütze (2005).
  2. They claim “no change” is productive in both the 1st and 2nd conjugations. In support of this they note that diphthongization is commonly underapplied in these conjugations by children acquiring Spanish as their first language.


Albright, A., Andrade, A., and Hayes, B. 2001. Segmental environments of Spanish diphthongization. UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics 7: 117-151.
Albright, A. 2003. A quantitative study of Spanish paradigm gaps. In Proceedings of the 22th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, pages 1-14.
Bybee, J. L. and Pardo, E. 1981. On lexical and morphological conditioning of alternations: a nonce-prob e experiment with Spanish verbs. Linguistics 19: 937-968.
Gorman, K. and Yang, C. 2019. When nobody wins. In F. Rainer, F. Gardani, H. C. Luschützky and W. U. Dressler (ed.). Competition in Inflection and Word Formation, pages 169-193. Springer.
Harris, J. W. 1969. Spanish Phonology. MIT Press.
Harris, J. W. 1985. Spanish diphthongisation and stress: a paradox resolved. Phonology 2: 31-45.
Maiden, M. and O’Neill, P. 2010. On morphomic defectiveness: evidence from the Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula. In M. Baerman, G. G. Corbett, and D. Brown (ed)., Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, pages 103-124. Oxford University Press.
Schütze, C. 2005. Thinking about what we are asking speakers to do. In S. Kepser and M. Reis (ed.), Linguistic Evidence: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives, pages 457-485. Mouton de Gruyter.

Defectivity in Greek

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Sims (2006: ch. 4, henceforth just S) documents gaps in the genitive plural ( forms of modern Greek nouns. These gaps appear to be reasonably well known and quite common: S’s primary data comes from two Greek dictionaries published in the 1990s. The LNEG dictionary contains over 1,600 nouns defective in the; the LKN over 1,300.1 If this is even remotely close to correct, this is still probably the most extensive  case of defectivity, in terms of affected lexemes, documented in any language. Interestingly, S notes that there is “surprisingly little agreement between the two dictionaries about which lexemes are defective in the genitive plural” (S: 81, fn. 54), with the two dictionaries agreeing on 470 nouns.

Modern Greek declines nouns for four cases and two numbers. The primary marker, written -ων (-on) may or many not trigger rightward shift of primary stress, depending on the noun. Pappús ‘grandfather’ has no stress shift (pappúdon), whereas náftis ‘sailor’ and ónoma ‘name’ do (naftónonomáton).2 There does not seem to be much—except etymology—which predicts whether or not a noun will shift. S suggests that there is an important distinction between nouns which already have final stress in the, and others which have stress on earlier syllables in the, as the former, represented by pappús and referred to by S as “type 1” and “columnar stress” nouns, never have stress shift in the, and do not exhibit gaps.3 Assuming this is correct, all that remains is to understand why there is no productive default in the non-“type 1” declensional classes.

There are several other things going on here that are not yet well understood. First, modern Greek is in some sense diglossic, and more specifically pluricentric, with vernacular and learned registers (known as dimotiki and katharevousa, respectively) existing alongside various divergent dialects. One might be tempted to suggest that this would result in heightened awareness of lexical variation in stress shift. Second, S notes that the genitive itself is in competition with a periphrastic alternative that uses a preposition governing the accusative case (S: 86f.). According to S, the periphrastic accusative is associated with dimotiki and the genitive with katharevousa. Since katharevousa is itself reasonably artificial, colloquial use of the genitive may be increasingly moribund. Third, the LNK dictionary also lists quite a few nouns are defective in other plural forms as well. These have received little attention; some are probably  singularia tantum (see, e.g., Sims 2015: 150) but perhaps something else is going on too.

Most of the points made by S in her 2006 dissertation are echoed in her 2015 monograph. I have little to say about her idea that defectivity is encoded via implicational hierarchies in the morphological paradigms, and I didn’t find the experimental results informative.


  1. See S (ibid.) for these citations. I have briefly consulted both works in print, just to spot check S’s coding. Since I found no major issues, I am instead working from tables in S’s appendices. Thanks to Lucas Ashby for help digitizing these.
  2. I have taken the liberty of standardizing S’s transliterations somewhat.
  3. It is hard to tell whether S thinks this is a synchronic explanation for defectivity. Elsewhere, S (ch. 5) claims that defectivity is grammaticalized (or perhaps lexicalized) by essentially having the morphological module return some kind of “null” for defective combinations, so that there is no need for further synchronic motivation. S seems to consider this a desirable conclusion.


Sims, A. 2006. Minding the gap: Inflectional defectiveness in a paradigmatic theory. Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University.
Sims, A. 2015. Inflectional Defectiveness. Cambridge University Press.

Defectivity in Russian; part 2: nouns

[This is part of a series of defectivity case studies.]

Pertsova (2005, henceforth P) describes defectivity in the genitive plural (henceforth, of Russian nouns. This defectivity is not quite as extensive as in the verbs: Zaliznyak’s (1977) renowned morphological dictionary, Pertsova’s primary source, labels roughly forty noun lexemes as Р.мн. затрудн. ‘ difficult’ (P gives this as ‘awkward’), and a smaller number are labeled Р.мн. нет ‘ does not exist’. Pre-theoretically, the Russian form has three complexities. First, there are three (surface) suffixes: -ej-ov, and a null -∅ (though this is often taken to be the surface form of a back yer; e.g., Bailyn & Nevins 2008). Secondly, stress may either fall on the stem or the desinence, depending on a number of factors. First, the fleeting vowels found in many Slavic languages, sometimes surface in the final syllable of the stem of null forms; e.g., kiška ‘gut’ has a kišok.

Let us consider the ‘do not exist’ cases first. A few examples are dno ‘bottom’, mgla ‘haze’, and mzda, an archaic word meaning ‘bribe’. All three of these are built from stems consisting solely of consonants—the -o and -a are affixes—and according to P, we would expect them to form a null Were they do so, then, the form would be a purely consonantal sequence (*dn, *mgl, *mzd, etc.). While Russian allows quite rich onsets, it does not permit vowel-less prosodic words. So, presumably, these ‘do not exist’ cases are in some sense derived, but are unpronounceable.

The cases labeled by Zaliznyak as ‘difficult’ are perhaps more challenging. These include fata ‘veil’, yula ‘weasel’, and suma ‘bag, pouch’. Many of these (e.g., čalma ‘turban’, taxta ‘ottoman’, mulla ‘mullah’) are borrowings from Tatar or other Turkic languages. All forty ‘difficult’ nouns are all feminines in -a, and all of them have desinential stress (i.e., stress on the case/number suffix) throughout. According to P, these ‘difficult’ nouns would all have a null were it not ineffable. This means that stem stress is the only option (because duh, there’s no way to stress a null desinence). Yet speakers are reluctant to introduce a new, stem-stressed allomorph of the stem that does not otherwise exhibit stem stress, because of a principle known as lexical conservatism.

I follow this basic logic, but I am not sure how to make the lexical conservatism filter into something mechanistic and appropriately parameterized so that it can actually predict the data we observe. P points out that there are other nouns which have exactly the same properties (null, desinential stress) but resolve this conflict by retracting stress to the final syllable of the stem. For example, borodá ‘beard’ has a null, stem-stressed, but unobjectionable boród, as does the previously mentioned kišká/kišók.2 After considering and rejecting an appeal to frequency, P suggests that there is something special about monosyllabic stems that makes them more resistent to stem allomorphy. The problems do not end here, because as P gamely points out, the is not the only case/number combination which forces stress retraction; it also happens in the null of masculines like stol ‘table’, but I am aware of any Russian nouns which are defective in the

While I find P’s description clear, I do not think her analysis works. It correctly identifies two interesting explananda—the fact that gaps are localized to monosyllabic stems, and to the genitive plurals—but gives little explanation for these facts. And the invocation of lexical conservatism, never that well-defined in the first place, has done little to help; it could just as well be that the conflict between desinential stress and the selection of a null produces ineffability. Lexical conservatism actually prevents us from uniting the ‘does not exist’ and the ‘difficult’ cases, which after all both involve monosyllabic stems expected to exhibit desinential stress and a null

Sims (2015) notes that these defective nouns might be an interesting case for studying the interaction between defectivity and syncretism, a topic first discussed by Stump (2010). In Russian there is syncretism between and accusative plural ( forms for all animate nouns. Since twelve of the defective nouns are animates, this  means that either there is an exception to this syncretism (in the case that the is acceptable) or perhaps, the defectivity itself is carried over by the syncretism and nouns are defective in the too. No one seems to have gathered the relevant judgments  about the well-formedness of these animates in their vs. forms yet.


As is also the case for Russian verbs, defectivity in Russian nouns has arguably risen to the level of conscious awareness among Russophones. In his short story Kocherga, the Soviet humorist Mikhail Zoshchenko tells of workers who wish to order five more fire pokers for their drafty office. The kocherga ‘fire poker’, is unobjectionable, but no one they talk to is sure what the, the case used for five or more of an object in a quantified noun phrase like ‘five fire pokers’, ought to be, and both they and their interlocutors use clever circumlocutions to dodge the question.


  1. I note that Wiktionary gives the of dno as don’ev, with a back stem yer  surfacing (also bearing stress) and the -ev suffix. If this is correct, this is a problem for P’s claim that stems of this class are expected to have a null, unless there is some other reason dno to behaves differently than mgla or mzda.
  2. Here I am using acute accents to indicate stress, as is common practice in (anglophone) Russian linguistics.
  3. I am loathe to assign grammatical distinctions to informal gradations of unacceptability, so I see no incentive to distinguish these cases.


Bailyn, J. F. and Nevins, A. 2008. Russian genitive plurals are impostors. In A. Bachrach and A. Nevins (ed.), Inflectional Identity, pages 237-270. Oxford University Press.
Pertsova, K. 2005. How lexical conservatism can lead to paradigm gaps. UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics 11: 13-30.
Sims, A. 2015. Inflectional Defectiveness. Cambridge University Press.
Stump, G. 2010. Interactions between defectiveness and syncretism. In M. Baerman, G. G. Corbett, and D. Brown (ed.), Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us, pages 181-210. Oxford University Press.
Zaliznyak, A. A. 1977. Grammatičeskij slovar’ russkogo jazyka. Moskva.