ACL Rolling Reviews don’t roll anymore

Recently I wanted to submit a paper to the ACL’s rolling reviews system. The idea of this system is that instead of people rushing to make somewhat arbitrary conference deadlines—most everything is published at conferences rather than books or journals in NLP—one can instead submit to an ever-running pool of reviewers and get quick comments. Furthermore, the preprints are available online and one can see the comments. After you the author feel that you’ve received a satisfactory review you can then “submit”, with the push of a button, your already-reviewed paper to a conference and the organizers and area chairs put together a program from these papers. This seems like a good idea thus far, even if the very strong COI policy means that none of the papers I get assigned to review are interesting to me but rather in adjacent (and boring) areas.

I was recently surprised to find—it’s not documented anywhere, I had to write tech support and wait to hear back—that it there are now blackout periods of several weeks where one cannot submit. I have no idea why this is true. Granted, they reduced the frequency of the cycles to six a year (or one every two months), but I don’t understand why I can’t, on July 1st, submit to the August 15th cycle. This makes no sense to me and seems to defeat the most important part of this initiative: the idea that you can submit work when it’s done rather than when certain stars align.

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