The Unicoder

I have long encouraged students to turn software demos (which work on their laptop, in their terminal, and maybe nowhere else) into simple web apps. Years ago I built a demo of what this might look like, using Python’s Flask library. The entire app is under 200 lines of Python (and jinja2 template), plus a bit of static HTML and CSS.

It turns out this little demonstration is actually quite useful for my research. For any given string, it gives you the full decomposition of it into Unicode codepoints, with optional Unicode normalization, whitespace stripping, and case-folding. This is very useful for debugging.

The Unicoder, as it is called, is hosted on the free tier of Glitch. [Edit: it is now on Render.] (It used to also be on Heroku, but Salesforce is actively pushing people off that very useful platform.) Because of that, it takes about 10 seconds to “start up” (i.e., I assume the workers are put into some kind of hibernation mode) if it hasn’t been used in the last half hour or so. But, it’s very, very useful.

Debugging CUDA indexing errors

Perhaps you’ve seen pages of the following scary error:

../aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ operator(): block: [99,0,0], thread: [115,0,0] Assertion `index >= -sizes[i] && index < sizes[i] && "index out of bounds"` failed.

It turns out there is a relatively simple way to figure out what the indexing issue is. The internet suggests prepending


to your command, but this doesn’t seem to help much either. There is a simpler solution: run whatever you’re doing on CPU. It’ll give you much nicer errors.

The next toolkit 2: electric boogaloo

I just got back from the excellent Workshop on Model Theoretic Representations in Phonology. While I am not exactly a member of the “Delaware school”, i.e., the model-theoretic phonology (MTP) crowd, I am a big fan. In my talk, I contrasted the model-theoretic approach to an approach I called the black box approach, using neural networks and program synthesis solvers as examples of the latter. I likened the two styles to neat vs. scruffy, better is better vs. worse is better, rationalists vs. empiricists, and cowboys vs. aliens.

One lesson I drew from this comparison is the need for MTPists to develop high-quality software—the next toolkit 2. I didn’t say much during my talk about what I imagine this to be like, so I thought I’d leave my thoughts here. Several people—Alëna Aksënova, Hossep Dolatian, and Dakotah Lambert, for example—have developed interesting MTP-oriented libraries. While I do not want to give short schrift to their work, I think there are two useful models for the the next next toolkit: (my own) Pynini and PyTorch. Here is what I see as the key features:

  1. They are ordinary Python on the front-end. Of course, both have a C++ back-end, and PyTorch has a rarely used C++  API, but that’s purely a matter of performance; both have been slowly moving Python code into the C++ layer over the course of their development.The fact of the matter is that in 2022, just about anyone who can code at all can do so in Python.
  2. While both are devilishly complex, their design follows the principle of least suprise; there is only a bit of what Pythonistas call exhuberant syntax (Pynini’s use of the @ operator, PyTorch’s use of _ to denote in-place methods).
  3. They have extensive documentation (both in-module and up to book length).
  4. They have extensive test suites.
  5. They are properly packaged and can be installed via PyPi (i.e., via pip) or Conda-Forge (via conda).
  6. They have corporate backing.

I understand that many in the MTP community are naturally—constitutionally, even—drawn to functional languages and literate programming. I think this should not be the initial focus. It should be ease of use, and for that it is hard to beat ordinary Python in 2022. Jupyter/Colab support is a great idea, though, and might satisfy the literate programming itch too.

re.compile is otiose

Unlike its cousins Perl and Ruby, Python has no literal syntax for regular expressions. Whereas one can express the sheep language /baa+/ with a simple forward-slashed literal in Perl and Ruby, in Python one has to compile them using the function re.compile, which produces objects of type re.Pattern. Such objects have various methods for string matching.

sheep = re.compile(r"baa+")
assert sheep.match("baaaaaaaa")

Except, one doesn’t actually have to compile regular expressions at all, as the documentation explains:

Note: The compiled versions of the most recent patterns passed to re.compile() and the module-level matching functions are cached, so programs that use only a few regular expressions at a time needn’t worry about compiling regular expressions.

What this means is that in the vast majority of cases, re.compile is otiose (i.e., unnecessary). One can just define expression strings, and pass them to the equivalent module-level functions rather than using the methods of re.Pattern objects.

sheep = r"baa+"
assert re.match(sheep, "baaaaaaaa")

This, I would argue, is slightly easier to read, and certainly no slower. It also makes typing a bit more convenient since str is easier to type than re.Pattern.

Now, I am sure there is some usage pattern which would favor explicit re.compile, but I have not encountered one in code worth profiling.

“Python” is a proper name

In just the last few days I’ve seen a half dozen instances of the phrase python package or python script in published academic work. It’s disappointing to me that this got by the reviewers, action editors, and copy editors, since Python is obviously a proper name and should be in titlecase. (The fact that the interpreter command is python is irrelevant.)

Python hasn’t changed much

Since successfully sticking the landing for the migration from Python 2 (circa 3.6 or so), Python has been on a tear with a large number of small releases. These releases have cleaned up some warts in the “batteries included” modules and made huge improvements to the performance of the parser and run-time. There are also a few minor language features added; for instance, f-strings (which I like a lot) and the so-called walrus operator, mostly used for regular expression matching.

When Python improvements (and they are improvements, IMO) are discussed on sites like Hacker News, there is a lot of fear and trepidation. I am not sure why. These are rather minor changes, and they will take years to diffuse through the Python community. Overall, very little has changed.

Lambda lifting in Python

Python really should have a way to lambda-lift a value e to a no-argument callable function which returns e. Let us suppose that our e is denoted by the variable alpha. One can approximate such a lifting by declaring alpha_fnc = lambda: alpha. Python lambdas are slow compared to true currying functionality, like provided by functools.partial and the functions of the operator library, but it basically works. The problem, however, is that lambda declarations in Python, unlike in, say, C++ 11, have no closure mechanism to capture the local scope, so lambda which refer to outer variables are context-dependent. The following interactive session illustrates the problem.

In [1]: alpha_fnc = lambda: alpha

In [2]: alpha_fnc()
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in ()
----> 1 alpha_fnc()

Input In [1], in ()
----> 1 alpha_fnc = lambda: alpha

NameError: name 'alpha' is not defined

In [3]: alpha = .5

In [4]: alpha_fnc()
Out[4]: 0.5

In [5]: alpha = .4

In [6]: alpha_fnc()
Out[6]: 0.4

WFST talk

I have posted a lightly-revised slide deck from a talk I gave at Johns Hopkins University here. In it, I give my most detailed-yet description of the weighted finite-state transducer formalism and describe two reasonably interesting algorithms, the optimization algorithm underlying Pynini’s optimize method and Thrax’s Optimize function, and a new A*-based single shortest string algorithm for non-idempotent semirings underlying BaumWelch’s baumwelchdecode CLI tool.

Why language resources should be dynamic

Virtually all the digital linguistic resources used in speech and language technology are static in the sense that

  1. One-time: they are generated once and never updated.
  2. Read-only: they provide no mechanisms for corrections, feature requests, etc.
  3. Closed-source: code and raw data used to generate the data are not released.

However, there are some benefits to designing linguistic resources dynamically, allowing them to be repeatedly regenerated and iteratively improved with the help of the research community. I’ll illustrate this with WikiPron (Lee et al. 2020), our database-cum-library for multilingual pronunciation data.

The data

Pronunctionary dictionaries are an important resource for speech technologies like automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis. Several teams have considered the possibility of mining pronunciation data from the internet, particularly from the free online dictionary Wiktionary, which by now contains millions of crowd-sourced pronunciations transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet. However, none of these prior efforts released any code, nor were their scrapes run repeatedly, so at best they represent of a single (2016, or 2011) slice of the data.

The tool

WikiPron is, first and foremost, a Python command-line tool for scraping pronunciation data from Wiktionary. Stable versions can be installed from PyPI using tools like pip. Once the tool is installed, users specify a language, optionally, a dialect, and various optional flags, and pronunciation data is printed to STDIN as a two-column TSV file. Since this requires an internet connection and may take a while, the system is even able to retry where it left off in case of connection hiccups. The code is carefully documented, tested, type-checked, reflowed, and linted using the CircleCI continuous integration system. 

The infrastructure

We also release, at least annually, a multilingual pronunciation dictionary created using WikiPron. This increases replicability, permits users to see the format and scale of the data WikiPron makes available, and finally allows casual users to bypass the command-line tool altogether. To do this, we provide the data/ directory, which contains data and code which automates “the big scrape”, the process by which we regenerate the multilingual pronunciation dictionary. It includes

  • the data for 335 (at time of writing) languages, dialects, scripts, etc.,
  • code for discovering languages supported by Wiktionary,
  • code for (re)scraping all languages,
  • code for (re)generating data summaries (both computer-readable TSV files and human-readable READMEs rendered by GitHub), and
  • integration tests that confirm the data summaries match the checked-in data,

as well as code and data used for various quality assurance processes. 

Dynamic language resources

In what sense is WikiPron a dynamic language resource? 

  1. It is many-time: it can be run as many times as one wants. Even “the big scrape” static data sets are updated more-than-annually.
  2. It is read-write: one can improve WikiPron data by correcting Wiktionary, and we provide instructions for contributors wishing to send pull requests to the tool.
  3. It is open-source: all code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license; the data bears a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License inherited from Wiktionary.


Most of the “dynamic” features in WikiPron were implemented by CUNY Graduate Center PhD student Lucas Ashby and my colleague Jackson Lee; I have at best served as an advisor and reviewer.


Lee, J. L, Ashby, L. F.E., Garza, M. E., Lee-Sikka, Y., Miller, S., Wong, A.,
McCarthy, A. D., and Gorman, K. 2020. Massively multilingual pronunciation
mining with WikiPron. In Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 4223-4228.