Results of the SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on multilingual grapheme-to-phoneme conversion

The results of the SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on multilingual grapheme-to-phoneme conversion are now in, and are summarized in our task paper. A couple bullet points:

  • Unsurprisingly, the best systems all used some form of ensembling.
  • Many of the best teams performed self-training and/or data augmentation experiments, but most of these experiments were performance-negative except in simulated low-resource conditions. Maybe we’ll do a low-resource challenge in a future year.
  • LSTMs and transformers are roughly neck-and-neck; one strong submission used a variant of hard monotonic attention.
  • Many of the best teams used some kind of pre-processing romanization strategy for Korean, the language with the worst baseline accuracy. We speculate why this helps in the task paper.
  • There were some concerns about data quality for three languages (Bulgarian, Georgian, and Lithuanian). We know how to fix them and will do so this summer, if time allows. We may also “re-issue” the challenge data with these fixes.

Optimizing three-way composition for decipherment problems

Knight et al. (2006) introduce a class of problems they call decipherment. In this scenario, we observe a “ciphertext” C , which we wish to decode. We imagine that there exists a corpus of “plaintext” P, and which to recover the encipherment model G that transduces from P to C. All three components can be represented as (weighted) finite-state transducers: P is a language model over plaintexts, C is a list of strings, and G is an initially-uniform transducer from P to C. We can then estimate the parameters (i.e.. arc weights) of G by holding P and C constant and applying the expectation maximization algorithm (Dempster et al. 1977).

Both training and prediction require us to repeatedly compute the “cascade”, the three-way composition P ○ G ○ C. First off, two-way composition is associative, so for all ab, c : (ab) ○ c = a ○ (b ○ c). However, given any n-way composition, some associations may be radically more efficient than others. Even were the time complexity of each possible composition known, it is still not trivial to compute the optimal association. Fortunately, in this case we are dealing with three-way composition, for which there are only two possible associations; we simply need to compare the two.1

Composition performance depends on the sorting properties of the relevant machines. In the simplest case, the inner loop of (two-way) composition consists of a complex game of “go fish” between a state in the left-hand side automaton and a state in the right-hand side automaton. One state enumerates over its input (respectively, output) labels and queries the other state’s output (respectively input) labels. In the case that the state in the automaton being queried has its arcs sorted according to the label values, a sublinear binary search is used; otherwise, linear-time search is required. Optimal performance obtains when the left-hand side of composition is sorted by output labels and the right-hand side is sorted by input labels.2 Naturally, we also want to perform arc-sorting offline if possible.

Finally, OpenFst, the finite-state library we use, implements composition as an on-the-fly operation: states in the composed FST are lazily computed and stored in an LRU cache.3 Assiduous use of the cache can make it feasible to compute very large compositions when it is not necessary to visit all state of the composed machine. Today I focus on associativity and assume optimal label sorting; caching will have to wait for another day.

Our cascade consists of three weighted finite-state machines:

  • P is a language model expressed as a weighted label-sorted finite-state acceptor. The model is order 6, with Witten-Bell smoothing (Bell et al. 1990) backoffs encoded using φ (i.e., “failure”) transitions, and has been shrunk to 1 million n-grams using relative entropy pruning (Stolcke 1998).
  • G is a uniform channel model encoded as a finite-state transducer. Because it is a non-deterministic transducer, it can be input-label-sorted or output-label sorted, but not both.
  • C is an unweighted label-sorted string finite-state acceptor encoding a long plaintext.

There are two possible associativities, which we illustrate using the OpenFst Python bindings.4 In the first, we use a left-associative composition. Offline, before composition, we input label-sort G:

In [5]: G.arcsort("ilabel")

Then, we perform both compositions, sorting the intermediate object by output label:

In [6]: %timeit -n 10 
...          partial = compose(P, G, connect=False).arcsort("olabel"); 
...          cascade = compose(partial, C, connect=False)
10 loops, best of 3: 41.6 s per loop

In our second design, we use the parallel right-associative construction. Offline, we output label-sort G:

In [7]: G.arcsort("olabel")

Then, we perform both compositions, sorting the intermediate object by input label:

In [8]: %timeit -n 10 
...          partial = compose(G, C, connect=False).arcsort("ilabel"); 
...          cascade = compose(P, partial, connect=False)
3 loops, best of 3: 38.5 s per loop

So we see a small advantage for the right-associative composition, which we take advantage of in OpenGrm-BaumWelch, freely available from the OpenGrm website.


  1. There exist FST algorithms for n-ary composition (Allauzen & Mohri 2009), but in practice one can achieve similar effects using composition filters (Allauzen et al. 2010) instead.
  2. Note that acceptors which are input label-sorted are implicitly output label-sorted and vice versa, and string FSTs are input and output label-sorted by definition.
  3. In the case where one needs the entire composition at once, we can simply disable caching; in OpenFst, the result is also connected (i.e., trimmed) by default, but we disable that since we need to track the original state IDs.
  4. The timeit module is used to estimate execution times irrespective of caching.


Allauzen, C., and Mohri, M.. 2009. N-way composition of weighted finite-state transducers. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20(4): 613-627.
Allauzen, C., Riley, M. and Schalkwyk, J. 2010. Filters for efficient composition of weighted finite-state transducers. In Implementation and Application of Automata: 15th International Conference, CIAA 2010, pages 28-38. Manitoba.
Bell, T.C., Clearly, J. G., and Witten, I.H. 1990. Text Compression. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Dempster, A. P., Laird, N., M, and Rubin, D.B. 1977. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 39(1): 1-38.
Knight, K., Nair, A., Rathod, N, Yamada, K. 2006. Unsupervised analysis for decipherment problems. In Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions, pages 499-506. Sydney.
Stolcke, A. 1998. Entropy-based pruning of backoff language models. In Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News And Understanding Workshop, pages 270–274. Lansdowne, Virginia.

Pynini 2020: State of the Sandwich

I have been meaning to describe some of the work I have been doing on Pynini, our weighted finite-state grammar development platform. For one, while I have been the primary contributor through the history of the project (Richard Sproat wrote the excellent path iteration library), we are now also getting many contributions from Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin (rewrite of the symbol table wrapper, type hints) and lots of usability and bug reports from the Google linguists.

We are currently on Pynini release 2.1.1. Here are some new features/improvements from the last few releases:

  • 2.0.9: Adds an efficient multi-argument union.
  • 2.0.9: Pynini (and the rest of OpenGrm) are available on Conda via Conda-Forge. This means that for most users, there is no longer any need to compile Pynini by hand; instead Pynini is compiled (for a variety of platforms) in the cloud, using a continuous integration framework.
  • 2.1.0: Rewrites the string compiler so that symbol tables are no longer attached to compiled FSTs, eliminating the need for expensive symbol table merging and relabeling options.
  • 2.1.0: Rewrites the FST and symbol table class hierarchies to better reflect the organization of lower-level APIs.
  • 2.1.1: Adds PEP 484/PEP 561-compatible type stubs.

We also have removed or renamed quite a few features:

  • stringify is renamed string.
  • text is renamed print (cf. the command-line tool fstprint).
  • The defaults struct is removed, though it may be reintroduced as a context manager at some point.
  • The * infix operator, previously used for composition is removed; use @ instead.
  • transducer‘s arguments input_token_type and output_token_type are merged as token_type.

Finally, we have broken Python 2.7 compatibility as of 2.1.0; pywrapfst, the lower-level API, still has some degree of Python 2.7 compatibility, but this is probably the last release to maintain that property.

Using a fixed training-development-test split in sklearn

The scikit-learn machine learning library has good support for various forms of model selection and hyperparameter tuning. For setting regularization hyperparameters, there are model-specific cross-validation tools, and there are also tools for both grid (e.g., exhaustive) hyperparameter tuning with the sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV and random hyperparameter tuning (in the sense of Bergstra & Bengio 2012) with sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV, respectively. While you could probably could implement these yourself, the sklearn developers have enabled just about every feature you could want, including multiprocessing support.

One apparent limitation of these classes is that, as their names suggest, they are designed for use in a cross-validation setting. In the speech & language technology, however, standard practice is to use a fixed partition of the data into training, development (i.e., validation), and test (i.e., evaluation) sets, and to select hyperparameters which maximize performance on the development set. This is in part an artifact of limited computing resources of the Penn Treebank era and I’ve long suspected it has serious repercussions for model evaluation. But tuning and evaluating with a standard split is faster than cross-validation and can make exact replication much easier. And, there are also some concerns about whether cross-validation is the best way to set hyperparameters anyways. So what can we do?

The GridSearchCV and RandomSearchCV classes take an optional cv keyword argument, which can be, among other things, an object implementing the cross-validation iterator interface. At first I thought I would create an object which allowed me to use a fixed development set for hyperparameter tuning, but then I realized that I could do this with one of the existing iterator classes, namely one called sklearn.model_selection.PredefinedSplit. The constructor for this class takes a single argument test_fold, an array of integers of the same size as the data passed to the fitting method.  As the documentation explains “…when using a validation set, set the test_fold to 0 for all samples that are part of the validation set, and to -1 for all other samples.” That we can do. Suppose that we have training data x_train and y_train and development data x_dev and y_dev laid out as NumPy arrays. We then create a training-and-development set like so:

x = numpy.concatenate([x_train, x_dev])
y = numpy.concatenate([y_train, y_dev])

Then, we create the iterator object:

test_fold = numpy.concatenate([
    # The training data.
    numpy.full(-1, x_train.shape[1], dtype=numpy.int8),
    # The development data.
    numpy.zeros(x_dev.shape[1], dtype=numpy.int8)
cv = sklearn.model_selection.PredefinedSplit(test_fold)

Finally, we provide cv as a keyword argument to the grid or random search constructor, and then train. For instance, similar to this example we might do something like:

base = sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier()
grid = {"bootstrap": [True, False], 
        "max_features": [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10]}
model = sklearn.model_select.GridSearchCV(base, grid, cv=cv), y)

Now just add n_jobs=-1 to the constructor for model and to spread the work across all your logical cores.


Bergstra, J., and Bengio, Y. 2012. Random search for hyperparameter optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research 13: 281-305.

Text encoding issues in Universal Dependencies

Do you know why the following comparison (in Python 3.7) fails?

>>> s1 = "ड़"
>>> s2 = "ड़"
>>> s1 == s2

I’ll give you a hint:

>>> len(s1)
>>> len(s2)

Despite the two strings rendering identically, they are encoded differently. The string s1 is a single-codepoint sequence, whereas s2 contains two codepoints. Thus string comparison fails, whether it’s done at the level of bytes or of Unicode codepoints.

Some NLP researchers are aware of issues arising from faulty string encoding. Eckhart de Castilho (2016), for example, describes a tool which automatically identifies misencoded pre-trained data, whereas Wu & Yarowsky (2018) report issues using an existing tool for transliteration on certain languages because of encoding issues. However, I suspect that far fewer NLP researchers are familiar with the aforementioned problem, which is specific to Unicode normalization. To put it simply, Unicode defines four normalization forms (and associated conversion algorithms) for strings, and the key distinction is between “composed” and “decomposed” forms of characters (using that term in a pretheoretic sense). The string s1 is composed into a single Unicode codepoint; s2 is decomposed into two.

Unfortunately, three columns of the Hindi Dependency Treebank (hi_hdtb, commit 54c4c0f; Bhat et al. 2017, Palmer et al. 2009) have a chaotic mix of composed and decomposed representations. It seems most if not all of these have to do with the encoding of the six nuqta (‘dot’) consonants, which are usually found in borrowings from Arabic or Persian (via Urdu, presumably). In Devangari these consonants are written by adding a dot to a phonetically similar native consonant; for instance ड [ɖə] plus the nuqta produces ड़ [ɽə]. As is usually the case in Unicode, there is more than one way to do it: you can either encode ड़ with a composed character (U+095C DEVANAGARI LETTER DDDHA) or with the native Devangari character (U+O921 DEVANAGARI LETTER DDA) plus a combining character (U+093C DEVANAGARI SIGN NUKTA). In practical terms, this means that strings containing diferent encodings of <ṛa> (as it is sometimes transliterated) will be treated as totally separate during training and evaluation, except on the off chance that all associated tools perform Unicode normalization ahead of time.

This does have negative consequences for NLP. Consider the UDPipe system (Straka & Straková 2017) at the CoNLL 2017 shared task on dependency parsing (Zeman et al. 2017), for which the primary metric is labeled attachment score (LAS). I first attempted to replicate the UDPipe results for the Hindi Dependency Treebank. Using UDPipe 1.2.0, word2vec (commit 20c129a), the hyperparameters given in the authors’ supplementary materials, and the official evaluation script, I obtain LAS = 87.09 on the “gold tokenization” subtask. However I can improve this simply by converting the training, development, and test data to a consistent normalization like so:

for FILE in *.conllu; do
    uconv -x nfkc "${FILE}" > "${TMPFILE}"
    mv "${TMPFILE}" "${FILE}"

and then retraining. Here I have chosen to apply the NFKC (“compatibility composed”) normalization form. While Zeman et al. do not discuss the encoding of the labeled Universal Dependencies data, they do mention that they apply NFKC normalization to the addditional raw data. But it doesn’t really matter in this case which you choose so long as you are consistent. After retraining, I obtain LAS = 87.38, or .29 points for free. I also ran an “mismatch” experiment, where the training and testing data have different normalization forms; naturally, this causes a slight degradation to LAS = 86.98.

Straka & Straková (2017) report a separate set of experiments in which they have attempted to rebalance the training-development-test splits. Just to be sure, I repeated the above experiments using their original rebalancing script. With the baseline—mixed normalization—data, I can replicate their result exactly: LAS = 87.30. With a consistent NFKC normalization of training, development and test data, I get LAS = 87.50. And with a normalization mismatch between training and test data, I get LAS = 87.07, a slight degradation. And the improvements are more or less for free.

While I have not yet done a consistent audit, I found three other UD treebanks that have encoding issues. The ar_padt treebank has a non-canonical ordering of combining characters in the lemma column (the shaddah, which indicates geminates, should come before the fathah and not the other way around), but this is unlikely to have any major effect on model performance because it uses this non-canonical ordering consistently. The ko_kaist and ur_udtb treebanks also have minor inconsistencies.

Unfortunately my corporate overlord doesn’t permit me to file a pull request here because of the Hindi data is released under a CC BY-NC-SA license. But if you’re not so constrained, feel free to do so, and ping this thread once you have! And pay attention in the future.


Bhat, R. A., Bhatt, R., Farudi, A., Klassen, P., Narasimhan, B., Palmer, M., Rambow, O., Sharma, D. M., Vaidya, A., Vishnu, S. R., and Xia, F. 2017. The Hindi/Urdu Treebank Project. In Ide., N., and Pustejovsky, J. (ed.), The Handbook of Linguistic Annotation, pages 659-698. Springer.
Eckhart de Castilho, R. 2016. Automatic analysis of flaws in pre-trained NLP models. In 3rd International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure and 2nd Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for Human Language Technologies, pages 19-27.
Palmer, M., Bhatt, R., Narasimhan, B., Rambow, O., Sharma, D. M., and Xia, F. 2009. Hindi syntax: Annotation dependency, lexical predicate-argument structure, and phrase structure. In ICON, pages 14-17.
Straka, M., and Straková, J. 2017. Tokenizing, POS tagging, lemmatizing and parsing UD 2.0 with UDPipe. In CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pages 88-99.
Wu, W. and Yarowsky, D. 2018. A comparative study of extremely low-resource transliteration of the world’s languages. In LREC, pages 938-943.
Zeman, D., Popel, M., Straka, M., Hajič, J., Nivre, J., Ginter, F., … and Li, J. 2017. CoNLL Shared Task: Multilingual parsing from raw text to Universal Dependencies. In CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pages 1-19.

Lessons learned from my time at Google

  • C++ 11 is a powerful, elegant language and the right choice for performant general-purpose code. Bash is an excellent lingua franca for chaining a long series of commands. Python is best for everything else.
  • Data should be passed around in schematic form, with a compact serializations over the wire and a human-readable format at rest. Protocol buffers (and the lesser-known text format) are an ideal cross-language solution.
  • Grammar development is more important than model building.
  • Model building is easier than deployment.
  • Whiteboards are useful.
  • I can only do certain sorts of work without an office (yes, that thing with a door).

A minimalist project design for NLP

Let’s say you want to build a new tagger, a new named entity recognizer, a new dependency parser, or whatever. Or perhaps you just want to see how your coreference resolution engine performs on your new database of anime reviews. So how should you structure your project? Here’s my minimalist solution.

There are two principles that guide my design. The first one is modularity. Some of these components will get run many times, some won’t. If you’re doing model comparison—and you should be doing model comparison—some components will get swapped out with someone else’s code. This sort of thing is a major lift unless you opt for modularity. The second principle is filesystem state. The filesystem is your friend. If your embedding table eats up all your RAM and you have to restart, the filesystem will be in roughly the same state as when you left. The filesystem allows you to organize things into directories and subdirectories, and give the pieces informative names; I like to record information about datasets and hyperparameter values in my file and directory names. So without further ado, here are the recommended scripts or applications to create when you’re starting off on a new project.

  1. split takes the full dataset and a random seed (which you should store for later) as input. The script reads the data in, randomly shuffles the data, and then splits it into an 80% training set, 10% development set, and a 10% test (i.e., evaluation set) which it then outptus. If you’re comparing to prior work that used a “standard split” you may want to have a separate script that generates that too, but I strongly recommend using randomly generated splits.
  2. train takes the training set as input and outputs a model file or directory. If you’re automating hyperparameter tuning you will also want to provide the development set as input; if not you will probably want to either add a bunch of flags to control the hyperparameters or allow the user to pass some kind of model configuration file (I like YAML for this).
  3. apply takes as input the model file(s) produced in (2) and the test set, and applies the model to the data, outputting a new hypothesized test data set (i.e., the model’s predictions). One open question is whether this ought to take only unlabeled data or should overwrite the existing labels: it depends.
  4. evaluate takes as input the gold test set and the hypothesized test data set generated in (3) and outputs the evaluation results (as text or in some structured data format—sometimes YAML is a good choice, other times TSV files will do). I recommend you test this with a small amount of data first.

That’s all there’s to it. When you begin doing model comparison you may find yourself swapping out (2-3) for somebody else’s code, but make sure to still stick to the same evaluation script.

How, why, and when to flatten your conditionals

You may be tempted to write code that looks a little like this:

for item in items:
     if not condition_1(item):
         if not condition_2(item, False):
             if not condition_3(item, 3, 3):
                 if not condition_4(item):

But please, don’t. Flatten your conditionals instead.

How to flatten your conditionals

There is a relatively straightforward alternative to the above. Instead, we use continue expressions to short-circuit the cascade. This looks a little bit like this:

for item in items:
     if condition_1(item):
     if condition_2(item, False):
     if condition_3(item, 3, 3):
     if condition_4(item):

That’s pretty much all there’s to it.

Perhaps you’re not inside of a loop, but rather inside of a “nullable” function or method (i.e., one which may reasonably return None);  that’s okay, replace continue with return. Perhaps there’s more than one item you’re possibly shipping off to do_work on; that’s okay, wrap the conditionals in a function and use return to short-circuit evaluation. Perhaps you want to terminal the entire loop, not just this iteration thereof; that’s okay, replace continue with break.

Why to flatten your conditionals

The flattened loop is much easier to read. There is no indentation (or bracketing) to track. The fact that each of the conditional expressions is at the same indentation (bracketing) level makes it clear that we’re just dealing with a cascade of conditionals, all of which are handled the same. Realistically, one can only visually parse 3-4 levels of indentation; the Linux kernel, for example, uses an 8-character indent and forbids more than 3 levels of indentation. Flattening your conditionals means you don’t have to deal with that very often.

When to flatten your conditionals

It’s perhaps preferable to write your early code with nested conditional statements. It may turn out that you need to do some work in one of the medial else: clauses (which we’ve elided here), which can make flattening the conditionals hard. But once you’re writing comments about the conditionals in the cascade, and preparing to share your code with others, it’s time to do away with more than a few layers of indentation.