Script assignments

  1. Armenian: Ilaria
  2. Baybayin: Stefanie
  3. Belarusian: Kyle
  4. Burmese: Kei
  5. Cherokee: Matthew
  6. Georgian: Aidan
  7. Gothic: Martine
  8. Hawaiian: Yuying
  9. Icelandic: Arundhati
  10. Inuktitut: Tysean
  11. Irish: Brynne
  12. Norwegian: Naparat
  13. Oriya: Travis
  14. Persian: Olivia
  15. Punjabi: Amal
  16. Romanian: Aaron
  17. Serbo-Croat: Andrew
  18. Vietnamese: Amy
  19. Welsh: Ben
See the example presentation and slides for more information.