Project ideas

  1. Make quality assurance improvements to WikiPron
  2. Build and evaluate some component of a text normalization system
  3. Conduct a decipherment experiment
  4. Write a detailed description of some writing system not discussed in class (e.g., Yi, Vietnamese, Canadian syllabics)
  5. Write a report on who (of Evans, Kober, and Ventris) deserves the most credit for the decipherment of Linear B
  6. Write a report about undeciphered or disputed Linear B syllabic symbols
  7. Write a report on an undeciphered script, focusing on its typological properties and the potential for future decipherment
  8. Write a report on the statistical properties of some undeciphered script
  9. Write a critique of how writing systems are discussed in the NLP literature
  10. Write a critique of the Sumerian "token theory"
  11. Write a critique of computational decipherment
  12. Write a report on the degree to which the "Sirs" (Arthur Evans and J. Eric S. Thompson) hindered the decipherment of Linear B and Mayan